The Oak Grove Multi Municipal Compost Processing facility is open Monday through Saturday from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm. Residents can have mulch loaded for a fee of $10, by appointment by calling Rachel at 570-223-8920 x 142. If an operator is on site, they can load you for that same fee without appointment
Welcome to the official website by the Oak Grove Multi-Municipal Compost Processing Board (OGMMCPB). This website is a free, online resource for information about the Oak Grove Multi-Municipal Compost Processing Program. For any info not found on this page, please send your inquiry to
The Oak Grove Multi-Municipal Compost Processing Program is jointly operated and available to residents of:
Lehman Township
Smithfield Township
Middle Smithfield Township
The Oak Grove site is located at 3305 Oak Grove Drive in Middle Smithfield Township and will be staffed for residents Monday- Saturday from 7 am – 2 pm and is closed on holidays.
2024 Fees (FREE to Residents!)*
There is no dropoff fee for residents of Middle Smithfield, Smithfield, and Lehman townships. There is also no fee those residents to pick up materials by hand. The fee schedule below is for all others, or for anyone who requires the use of machinery.
Oak Grove Compost Facility fees and hours of operation
2024 Commercial Application
2024 General info, Rules & Regulations
Periodically, the collected materials will be processed to accelerate the composting and maintain a clean and safe site.

Site survey of the Oak Grove Multi-Municipal Compost Processing Plant. Click here to find out more.
We will not accept:
- Bottles, cans, aluminum
- Cardboard or paper
- Tree trunks or building material